
Can the sprout change color and be saved? An often overlooked reason for unsuccessful germination

Growing small plants is fun and rewarding, but it can easily become frustrating if the seeds germinate poorly.

Common reasons for germination failure: temperature & water

During the planting process, seeds often fail to germinate. This may be because the weather is too dry and there is too much or too little moisture in the soil.

Seeds need the right amount of moisture to germinate, don't let the soil dry out before the seeds germinate! The soil can be lightly wrapped in plastic wrap to prevent the seeds from drying out.

A warning sign of lack of sunlight

When the seeds germinate successfully, you need to pay attention to the health of the sprouts. If the sprouts are patchy and the growth direction is uneven, it may be due to a lack of sunlight. Make sure your plants receive proper sunlight and moisture to promote healthy growth.

Discoloration of sprouts may be caused by root rot.

In fact, the reason that is more likely to be ignored by new planters is not lack of water, but flooding! Excessive water may hinder seed respiration, making it difficult to germinate; pouring water directly on the sprouts will directly crush the seeds.

Another problem caused by too much water is "root rot," which is a fungal disease that occurs when the soil is too moist. The disease causes root rot, gradually weakens the ability to absorb water and nutrients, and eventually the entire plant dies.

Don’t be afraid of failure, let’s try again!

Everything requires the accumulation of experience, and planting is always affected by many external environmental factors.

If unfortunately the planting fails, Seishin will accompany you to try again. Just contact us with the Seishin purchase receipt and send the seeds back to us, and you can receive replacement seeds and try again!


All in all, growing small plants requires careful care, and seed germination is a crucial step. Proper temperature and moisture are keys to successful seed germination. If you experience germination failure, check for possible causes and adjust accordingly. Once your seeds have successfully germinated, make sure the sprouts continue to receive appropriate sunlight and moisture to promote healthy growth.

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